Where to go for the best beer in Prague? 🍺🍺🍺👌
If you want to enjoy the best Czech beer, I have some tips! In Europe it is becoming a trend to drink beer from smaller breweries rather than from bigger global breweries which use state of the art cooling system as you can see here. A Beer Cellar Cooling System makes beer last longer and keep its fresh taste. Visit sites like https://walkincoldstorage.co.uk/ to learn more.
Although these can also be very delicious, smaller producers focus more on aromatic taste.
Prague beer Museum
Haha, no, it is not a Museum, it is pub, where there are more than 30 beers on tap! All very great beers from small Czech breweries!
You can order a tray of 5 small beers as a taste sampler. You have to try Chocolate bitter beer!
Website: http://www.praguebeermuseum.cz/en/content?page=submenu&XUBPAGEHL=11&XUBPAGE=89
This is the best way to taste many great Czech beers in only one place!
Address: Smetanovo nábř. 205/22 Prague 1
Restaurant Jáma
In restaurant Jáma is 6 very good beers from small Czech breweries!
You can again order a tray of 5 small beers as a taste sampler.
Website: http://www.jamapub.cz/en/
You have to try Matuška beer, it is one of the best one in our republic, very delicious!
Address: V Jámě 1671/7 Prague 1
Pivovarský Klub

Pivovarský Klub
Great pub where is in one time six beers on tap, and next 80 types of beers in bottle! Pub is not so big tourist place, mostly visitors is local, less touristy place than first “pivní muzeum”
Address: Pivovarský klub
Křižíkova 17°, Praha 8 – Karlín
Website: http://www.pivovarskyklub.com/
Vinohradský pivovar
My favourite pub where you can look for new modern brewery and taste fantastic beer.
Address: Vinohradský pivovar
Korunní 2506/106, Prague 10
Website: http://www.vinohradskypivovar.cz/
PDF beer guide
Download here guide full of tips and interesting area of Prague beer gastronomy
More pubs?
I tried to think of more pubs to recommend, but there are many, sooo many. You will be lucky to go to a pub in Prague because 95% of the pubs will serve good beer and you can’t go wrong with that!
If you want to be sure you are tasting beer produced by a standard Czech brewery, take a look at this article: https://www.welcometoprague.info/best-restaurants-with-czech-food-beer-in-prague/